Welcome to Learning H2B! We are excited that you want to learn more about Direct Health Partnerships (DHP). If you are brand new to the idea of a DHP-centered, unbundled self-funded health plan, or if you have experienced other models of direct contracting, we hope you take a few minutes to explore. Start with an introduction by our CEO and go as deep as you like.
Start Here
Direct Health Partnerships are a tried and true way of bringing health care providers together with employers for everyone’s benefit – including the health plan member. Could something as simple as working in a direct business arrangement with your local hospital and doctors make healthcare more affordable and allow you to deliver a better benefit to your employees? The beginning of your learning journey is here.
Program Partners
An unbundled self-funded health plan with a Direct Health Partnership at its center is powerful and flexible. To make everything click, you need vendor partners who really understand DHPs and are fully committed to supporting sustainable and meaningful employer plans. Learn more about three of the key players here.
Why a Direct Health Partnership Works
Health2Business built the Direct Health Partnership model after decades trying to solve the problems nearly every employer health plan faces. Ever rising costs. Lack of control. Not enough data. Worsening plan designs. Reactive renewal decisions. Here are some of the principles that shaped our model for sustainable and meaningful employer plans.
Plan Governance
Made it this far? Congratulations, let’s get into the real nitty-gritty. Self-funded health plans are required by law and by stop loss insurance carriers to develop and abide by certain policies and documents. This might be new for a fully insured employer, but it is absolutely critical for a successful DHP-centered unbundled self-funded health plan.